lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013

Understanding points, lines and planes

Undefined TermsPoint: names a location and has no size(a capital letter is expressed with a dot).
Line: is a straight path that has no thickness and extends forever(a lowercase letter or two points on a line).
Plane: a flat surface that has no thickness and extends forever( a script capital letter or three points not on a line).
Collinear: points that lie on the same line(see pictures at the bottom).
Coplanar: points that lie on the same plane( see pictures at the bottom).
Segment and Rays:Segment: line segment, is the part of a line consisting of two points and all points between them.
Endpoint: is a point at one end of a segment or the starting point of a ray.
Ray: is a part of a line  that starts  at an endpoint and extends forever in one direction.
Postulates( statement excepted without proof)-Lines, Points, and Planes.
1-1-1 Through any two points there is exactly one line.
1-1-2 Through any three noncollinear points there is exactly one plane containing them.
1-1-3 If two points lie in a plane, then the line containing those points lies in the plane
Postulates- intersections of lines and planes.
1-1-4 If two lines intersect, then they intersect in exactly one point.
1-1-5 If two planes intersect, then they intersect in exactly one line.

1 comentario:

  1. Edymarie Vivaldi Marrero
    9no Shaddai

    La matematica es esencial para nuestro diario vivir. Los terminos indefinidos son de conocimiento basico para la geometria. Algunos ejemplos de terminos indefinidos son: puntos, planos y rectas.
